Transforming Livestock Farming in East Africa

Empowering farmers with innovative solutions for sustainable and profitable future.
Looking for Expert Advice in Cattle Husbandry in EA?
Based in Nairobi, Kenya, ProDairy provides comprehensive support to dairy and beef cattle farmers in East Africa, empowering them with the tools, knowledge and skills to run professional, profitable farming operations while prioritizing sustainability every step of way.
What we offer

ProDairy's Services


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How We Work

Consultation and Planning

ProDairy schedules initial consultation with clients to understand the specific challenges and goals in livestock farming or program development.

Customized Solution Development

Based on initial consultation / assessment, ProDairy develops customized solutions and recommendations for clients.

Implementation and Follow-Up

ProDairy then assists the client in implementing recommended solutions, for example coordinating construction project, delivering and installing equipment or providing training sessions.